Saturday, October 22, 2016

Business/Family Rules

Once again this week I will discuss an amazing podcast in the world of business that I viewed.  This is the video (The Entrepreneur and the Family) that spoke to me the most.  Steve Blank was asked a question regarding women and the balancing of family life and being a busy entrepreneur.  His response seemed so simple, yet very inspired.  “Set Rules”.

Having a small family, I always dream of the day where I will own a business and spend more time with my family.  There more I learn about start-up businesses the more I realize that they are very time consuming and overwhelming at times.  You no longer just show up and work your eight hours and go home to your family.  You now run the place and if you allow it to, it will run you and your personal life.

Blank’s response of setting rules and keeping them will provide you the opportunity to take control of both aspects of your life.  He discussed setting the rule of having dinner every night at seven.  As soon as his kids were put into bed, he would work remotely for the rest of the evening.  He also mentioned that except for the half day of going to work with dad on Saturdays, the weekends were dedicated to his children. 

I really like that he included his children in his business.  That is a helpful way of teaching his children about his business and spending time together.  I look forward to being able to do something similar with my sweet family.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Business 183

This semester I am really enjoying the class that I am taking at BYU-I on business.  Through this class I am finding a fire that is beginning to burn.  I am excited to take on the task of entrepreneurship.  I know there is a lot to learn, but I look forward to it.  This class provides so many resources and the experiences of others that help guide us in making our own decisions in the business world.  I look forward to continue learning and finding the confidence that I lack.

As part of the class we watched a podcast called “A Hero’s Journey”.  Reminded me of my last post.  He said that it we should find our God-given gifts and use them in a way that bring you great joy and satisfying a great need in the world.  I had discussed the wonders of being able to do something you love and actually make a living from it… but I had not considered the thought of satisfying a great need through my talents and making a difference. 

I desire to find that joy in life; to be that person that wakes up every morning filled with vigor to do what I love and do best.  To be able to walk out my door and know that I am not only making a difference in my life, but also in the life of another, and better yet, a difference in the world.

What were you born to do?

This last week I watched a very inspirational podcast titled "Do What You Love" by Tom Kelley.  At the beginning of the podcast he quotes Francis Ford Copolla who said, "Do what you love.  You'll be better at it."  This is when the light bulb lit up above my head.  Of course! Why does providing for your family have to be a daily chore?  Everyone should be able to find a way to make a living doing what they love. 
Of course there are exceptions - I love to sleep and have yet been able to make living from catching all of those z's.
However, I have an amazing friend who loves to play the trumpet, and he was able to make a living from it that most would not have thought of.  He is the main trumpet instructor at one of the most known US universities.  He does what he loves, teaches what he loves, and travels to many great locations.  He was able to pull off playing the trumpet everyday and getting paid for it!
Ok, so this is where I hit the road block... what do I love to do and what was I born to do?  I have always just worked because I need to help provide for my family.  I like my job, but I'm not passionate about it.  What now?
Tom Kelley also tells a story Jim Collins told about himself.  He discovered what he loved to do by writing in a lab notebook.  It wasn't a journal where he wrote what he did day-in and day-out.  He wrote down what it was that truly brought him joy everyday.  Through this activity he was able to discover his true passion... teaching about systems.
Well, I end this post with the one thing that brought me the most joy today -- being outdoors with my children on a crisp fall day.  Here's to more crisp fall days and happy moments.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Be the difference

This week while reading The Ministry of Business by Steven A Hitz with James W. Ritchie I read the chapter titled “The Formula and Happiness”.  The formula Ritchie discusses is a Formula for Success.  He lists six things that he feels are necessary to achieve success.  The step that stood out to me most was the last that is: Get prepared to be of service. 

                I had heard something similar when reading Dave Ramsey’s steps to financial freedom.  His final step is similar: “Build Wealth and Give!”  However, Ritchie’s service differed from Ramsey’s because the focus is on the giving of non-monetary items such as time and service.

                Ritchie was able to serve in the LDS Church in many locations and all of it was voluntary.  He was able to build a financial reserve trough his tried and true method where he and his wife were able to give of themselves and also provide for themselves while giving 100% of their time in the service of others.

                I look forward to being able to reach that point someday where I can comfortable serve my fellow man and do it more than every once in a while.  Where I can feel the joy that comes with knowing that I am making a difference in someone’s life.  I already serve when I can, but a full-time opportunity would be a very valued experience.  May we all seek those small moments of service and look forward to marvelous opportunities of making a difference every day!